Critical fundraising effort required to ensure future of Radio West Fife.
As with may organisations Covid in 2020 has seriously impacted our finances and our ability to raise funds. All our planned fundraising activities this year have been cancelled so far. As we are entirely funded by donations it has been a challenging year…. but we have kept going although we will be in danger by the end of 2020. So far we have not qualified for any support from the various funds that have been put in place for other charities and creative organisations. We are raising every pound ourselves.
Our first event is a Walk For Radio West Fife. A number of our presenters and members plan to walk across the Forth Road Bridge between 13th – 17th October to raise funds to support our work. To comply with social distancing walkers will walk at different times. All walkers will be recorded and tracked. You can support them and Radio West Fife by donating or sponsoring a walker on our fundraising page. Thanks for your support.
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