As a voluntary charitable organisation we rely heavily on the support of members of our local community.
For indivduals looking to support us, we have various membership options available rangine from a full member of the service, to an option to beome a “Supporter of Radio West Fife”. The latter option allows you to donate and show your support to your local community radio station, without having to commit to undertake any work or even any time. We promise to keep you up to date with the latest developments, and invite you to attend any of our meetings and events. Explore full details of our membership options here, including how to become a radio presenter.
For groups or charities that are interested in support us, or indeed think we may be able to support you please get in touch with us on
To enquire about advertising, sponsorship or other business opportunities options with Radio West Fife please contact us on or see our advertising page for further informaton.
Further information